About Me

My name is Richie Roney, I am a self taught developer from Charlotte, NC. I build Mobile first, fully responsive websites and applications. Here are the languages I use on most of my projects.

  1. HTML5
  2. CSS3
  3. JavaScript
  4. ReactJS
  5. NodeJS
  6. Jquery
  7. Ajax
  8. MYSQL
  9. MongoDB
  10. Express
  11. CSS Grid
  12. Bootstrap
  13. UIKit
  14. Adobe XD
  15. InVision
  16. Balsamic
  17. Sketch
  18. Git
  19. APIs

Origin Story

Sometime ago(80's) out in some random woods while adventuring , a question was asked. My cousin asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. The answer was a no brainer. "Mad Scientist" was the answer I gave as soon as he asked. I had a plan to create a human-shark hybrid with shark cartilage . I would study shark anatomy and human anatomy from books I would get from the library and found that with my new knowledge I was able to sketch people and animals a lot easier than before. I used that new skill to win awards in art throughout my time in school.

Fast forward to a couple of years ago , while in Costa Rica(pictured above) , I met some expats who were Web Developers that were so passionate about their career it made me want to live with the same enthusiasm! I realized I missed being able to be creative with art and express myself and my skills. I looked into a few things and really found an interest in Web Development because I could use what I gained all them years in art to apply it to building user friendly and engaging web sites. I had no clue how any of it worked. I started learning skills in my free time and picked up a few contracts for a company. A year later I enrolled in UNCC Bootcamp just two weeks before class started and decided to try a new experience.

I dug in deep to learn these new skills. It was difficult to learn at such a fast rate ! Especially in the beginning because I had no idea what was going on! Over the course of a few months I learned so much thanks to the wonderful staff and the late nights with no sleep that now I can say I am ready to do some Mad Science in Web Development!

I am looking forward to this new chapter and meeting new people with the same interest! This stuff is really hard but at the same time there is just something about it that makes it so much fun! There is a certain adrenaline rush that you get when you input some code and it works! I love it !

So with an origin story now out of the way, I am here to help you with your projects! I have worked with many different personalities and interest and I truly enjoy each and every one of them!